Hungary has a long tradition of excellence in mathematics education. Budapest Semester in Mathematics (BSM) provides a unique opportunity for North American undergraduates. Through this program mathematics and computer science majors in their junior/senior years may spend the fall, spring or summer semester in Budapest and study under the tutelage of eminent Hungarian scholar-teachers. The instructors of BSM are members of Eötvös University, the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Budapest University of Technology and Economics, three institutions known for having educated more than half of Hungary's highly acclaimed mathematicians. Most instructors have had teaching experience in North America and are familiar with the cultural differences.
Budapest Semester is a creative mathematics program. Interested mathematics and computer science majors should:
All classes are small and taught in English. Classes are held near the center of historic Budapest. Most instructors have had teaching experience in North America and are familiar with the cultural perspective of American students.
You may take up to 16 credits of electives for the mathematics major. Classes are taught in English by Hungarian professors. In addition, courses are offered in:
All students are also encouraged, as a part of the program, to take advantage of the opportunity to study the Hungarian language.
BSM courses comprise 14 weeks of teaching plus one week of exams. Each course usually meets three to four times per week for a total of 42 contact hours per semester. Normally, one BSM course transfers either as 3 or 4 semester hours.
For a semester in Budapest for Mathematics a student is billed BSM's costs along with a $150 Global Education administration fee. Applicable federal, state, and private aid will apply however Gordon institutional aid is not carried over. Please contact the Global Education Office with any questions.
Program costs include the following:
Items not covered (please see note regarding starred items):
*Students will pay room and board directly on the ground. Other expenses students should be prepared to pay: utilities, mandatory Hungarian health insurance and the residence permit fee.
All Gordon students applying to this program must first submit an online seat application to the Global Education Office before applying directly to your program. Fall and Spring seat applications must be submitted by March 1.
After the Global Education Office has notified you of your approval, you may then proceed with the program application. See Budapest Semester in Mathematics' website for more information on application and deadlines.