The Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford (SCIO) program is designed for students who want to develop their academic writing abilities and hone their research skills while studying areas of individual scholarly interest with advanced academic tutors.
“Over four years, opportunities within the biology program and elsewhere opened my eyes to all the passions that I have and all my different options and gifts; however, going to a new country, a new everything, makes you realize it on a more macro scale. Looking back on my time at Gordon and Oxford, I can see how my interests have grown and developed and taken me places that I never would have imagined.”
Annabel Christenson ‘22
Biology major, Honors Semester in Oxford and A.J. Gordon Scholars
Interested in learning more? Make sure you explore the full program details page, and don’t hesitate to reach out to Global Education Office with questions!
p: 978.867.4399
e: [email protected]