Step 1: Review approved programs and meet with your advisor
Browse our off-campus semester programs, and note which programs are approved for your major (several are approved for all majors). If looking for an international seminar, review the short-term international seminar page.
Review programs and read the GEO's Frequently Asked Questions. Then determine how studying abroad fits into your four-year plan and which course requirements you might need to fulfill while abroad by meeting with your advisor.
Step 2: Select a Program
Confirm that you meet the program requirements.
Step 3: Submit a Seat Application on Horizons - the GEO's application management system
Once you apply, wait to hear from the GEO on approval and program costs. Instructions on how to pay your application fee can be found here.
Please note: You may not apply directly to a program until you have been approved by the GEO to study abroad.
Seat applications for all fall and spring semester programs must be submitted online by March 1.
*Students applying for the spring Orvieto or Balkans programs must submit online applications by September 30.
To be eligible to study abroad you must:
After you have been accepted, we will help you prepare for your study abroad experience. Through preparatory dialogue and ongoing reflection, we will help you make the most out of your experience.
Please note: Gordon students studying on international programs are required to attend a safety and security meeting and a pre-departure seminar (this is often combined). A welcome back dinner is highly encouraged for returning students.
Financial Aid
Cost and financial aid vary by program. Visit our Tuition and Financial Aid page for details on billing and aid specific to your program. If cost is a concern, explore programs with costs similar to an on-campus semester. Federal and private aid remain unchanged (with the exception of federal aid in Israel). After program approval by the GEO, you will receive a cost and financial aid estimate. Note: Students in the Orvieto or Balkans programs are guaranteed to receive their regular financial aid award.
Students are allowed to petition to study at non-approved programs. Students whose applications are approved through the petition process below will be billed Gordon College tuition, housing, meal plan, and fees. Institutional financial aid will be reassessed. If the petition program costs exceed Gordon College's semester costs, the excess charges will be billed to the student.
Gordon College reserves the right to deny approval for student study that the Global Education Committee judges to be of inferior academic quality, or for which there are concerns for student safety and wellbeing. Petition programs must have a direct link to the student's academic program.
The petition application incluces:
After the application deadline, the Global Education Faculty Committee will meet to review petition applications.
Students must complete all application elements by the deadline of March 1 for both fall and spring semester programs.
As with approved and Gordon programs, Gordon College will continue as the financial aid recipient for all federal and state aid for the student and for any loans negotiated by the student or the parent.