Program Learning Goals at Gordon College connect the curriculum explicitly to the mission as we strive to graduate men and women distinguished by intellectual maturity and Christian character, committed to lives of service and prepared for leadership worldwide. A strong foundation is laid in the Goals for Learners, and individual departments articulate specific outcomes as a shared set of tangible qualities that characterize graduates of major programs of study. Statements of learning outcomes are found below, and more information on each program of study can be found through informative pages for each academic major.
3-2 Engineering
Successful graduates of the 3-2 Engineering program should be able to
- Apply scientific and engineering knowledge to solve diverse problems.
- Utilize appropriate lab techniques, including data analysis, data interpretation, and the correct use of uncertainty in measurements.
- Create and execute a quantitative research proposal in the sciences.
- Demonstrate effective communication in oral and written forms.
- Evaluate Christian aspects and foresee ethical consequences of professional activities in the areas of physics and engineering.
Successful graduates of the Art major at Gordon College should be able to
- Understand and articulate the centrality of Christian faithfulness to lives of making visual art and design works.
- Think and work within the historic and ongoing conversations about art and design with critical discernment.
- Hold an honest assessment of the distance between the current state and future possibilities of the visual and material world.
- Develop intellectual curiosity and steadfast hopefulness in their process of making in a complex and challenging world.
- Begin discerning and living into their vocation as makers within God's redemptive work.
- Synthesize art and design theory and making practices in order to live and create with aesthetic and spiritual maturity.
Biblical Studies
Successful graduates of the Biblical Studies major should be able to
- Interpret biblical texts.
- Recall major events, characters, and themes from the Bible.
- Evaluate contemporary issues through the lens of biblical theology.
- Create a research project using scholarly methods and tools.
Successful graduates of the Biochemistry major should be able to
- Describe basic principles of metabolism at the molecular and macromolecular scale.
- Demonstrate an ability to manipulate and use equipment and techniques to analyze and collect data at the molecular and sub-cellular scales.
- Create and execute a quantitative research proposal in the sciences.
- Critically evaluate primary literature in the field of Biochemistry.
- Describe the value of biochemical applications, particularly related to human health, environmental health, and biotechnology.
- Articulate an understanding of the relationship and integration of the biochemical sciences to the Christian faith, particularly pertaining to controversial topics.
Successful graduates of the Biology majors be should able to
- Articulate content from the breadth of biological topics, ranging from subcellular to biosphere systems, including organisms in all domains of life.
- Demonstrate an ability to manipulate and use equipment and techniques to analyze and collect data from molecular to ecological scales.
- Create and execute a quantitative research proposal in the sciences.
- Critically evaluate primary literature in the field of Biology.
- Analyze connections between human health and well-being through the biological sciences.
- Articulate an understanding of the relationship and integration of the biological sciences to the Christian faith, particularly pertaining to controversial topics.
Business Management
Successful graduates of the Business Management major should be able to
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills that are foundational for a wide range of business careers.
- Design and deliver professional work products such as analyses, memos, reports and presentations in collaboration with a team.
- Explain the implications of biblical principles and faith for vocational practice in business.
Successful graduates of the Chemistry major should be able to
- Articulate content from core and advanced chemical topics, including organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, and physical chemistry.
- Demonstrate an ability to prepare chemical substances and use equipment and techniques to analyze and collect data in the laboratory.
- Create and execute a quantitative research proposal in the sciences.
- Critically evaluate primary literature in the field of Chemistry.
- Identify the value of chemistry to improve society.
- Articulate an understanding of the relationship and integration of chemistry to the Christian faith.
Christian Ministries
Successful graduates of the Christian Ministries major should be able to
- Design an action plan for ministry using a practical theology method.
- Assess ministry theories and practices in various contexts.
- Develop skills for ministry that can be adapted in different contexts.
- Construct theological responses to matters of faith and life.
- Create a vision for faith formation.
Communication Arts
Successful graduates of the Communication Arts major should be able to
- Create messages: Create effective visual, oral, and written communication messages appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context.
- Use technology: Employ communication tools and technologies to enhance message creation and dissemination.
- Understand theory: Explain communication theory and apply it to their lives and vocational paths.
- Analyze media: Engage in critical communication research and evaluate the persuasive power of communication.
- Value difference: Design and employ communication strategies that embrace difference and value human flourishing in a digital age.
- Impact society: Exhibit the ability of communication strategies and practices to influence public discourse and social change.
- Live ethically: Demonstrate the distinctiveness of Christ-centered communication and its impact on ethical communication practices.
Communication Science Disorders
Successful graduates of the Communication Science Disorders major should be able to
- Integrate multiple disciplinary perspectives to explain the complex science of typical human communication. (biology, acoustics, language science, cognitive science, human development, and psychology).
- Distinguish disorders of human communication.
- Apply concepts of assessment, diagnosis and intervention of communication disorders to clinical situations.
- Critically read and analyze scientific research to determine culturally competent and evidence-based practice within the contexts of human communication and related disorders.
- Examine contemporary issues, regulations, and practices in the field of communication sciences and disorders in light of a Christian perspective on professional and medical ethics.
Computer Science
Successful graduates of the Computer Science major should be able to
- Develop an effective solution using computational expertise. (Solution)
- Apply a new programming skill, technique, or tool to solve a computing problem. (Apply)
- Communicate technical information effectively. (Communicate)
- Work effectively in a technical team. (Teamwork)
- Evaluate the impact of computing systems from a Christ-like perspective. (Impact)
Data Science
Successful graduates of the Data Science major should be able to
- Curate data using best practices in documentation and database design. (Curate)
- Apply modern machine learning algorithms to solve problems in a way that acknowledges limitations and mitigates statistical bias. (Model)
- Perform a reproducible, inquiry-based analysis supported by data visualization and statistical inference. (Analyze)
- Communicate analytical workflows and results honestly, with careful consideration for data lineage, security, and privacy. (Communicate)
- Evaluate data systems to identify their impact on human flourishing and the natural world from a Christian perspective. (Evaluate)
Successful graduates of the Economics major should be able to
- Conduct regression analysis to estimate the relationships between economic variables, using appropriate statistical software.
- Apply economic theory and peer-reviewed empirical research to evaluate the consequences of real-world economic policies.
- Explain the implications of Christian perspective and faith for the practice of economics.
Successful graduates of the Education major - Early childhood (PreK-2) and Education major - Elementary (grade 1-6) should be able to
- Integrate knowledge of the subject matter, evidence-based pedagogical practices, and curriculum to plan instruction that enables all students to develop and apply grade-level knowledge and skills in authentic contexts.
- Communicate high expectations and equip all students to meet high academic standards.
- Implement inclusive practices to accommodate and support learning differences for all students, including historically marginalized students, academically advanced students, students with disabilities, and multilingual learners.
- Maintain safe culturally responsive learning environments and partnerships with families and caregivers to support students’ learning and well-being.
- Analyze assessment data from a variety of sources to monitor students’ progress and make adjustments to practice, including targeted actionable feedback and differentiated interventions and enhancements.
- Reflect on the impact of one’s own positionality and instructional practices on student learning and well-being to advance equitable learning outcomes for all students.
- Demonstrate professional, culturally proficient oral and written communication.
- Professionally and appropriately articulate and demonstrate implications of a Christian worldview and faith in teaching practices across varied educational settings.
English Language and Literature
Successful graduates of the English Language and Literature major should be able to
- Demonstrate knowledge of the history and traditions of literature in English by classifying texts in their periods.
- Interpret texts or artifacts in writing.
- Analyze a text or artifact as it reflects and/or participates in efforts towards human flourishing.
- Produce writing that evidences attention to rhetorical context.
- Create a portfolio of job application materials relevant to the student's interests and skills.
Environmental Science and Sustainability
Successful graduates of the Environmental Science and Sustainability major should be able to
- Assess content from the breadth of environmental science.
- Use appropriate field or lab techniques and analyze data using appropriate statistical tools.
- Create and execute a quantitative research proposal in the sciences.
- Critically evaluate primary literature in the field of environmental science.
- Express the value of economic, societal, and environmental sustainability and stewardship and apply it to current global issues.
- Articulate an understanding of the integration of environmental science with Christian faith, particularly relating to Creation Care and controversial environmental topics.
Health Science
Successful graduates of the Health Science major should be able to
- Articulate content from the breadth of health science topics, including subcellular, organ, system, organismal, and population-level content.
- Demonstrate an ability to manipulate and use equipment and techniques to analyze and collect data related to health science.
- Create and execute a quantitative research proposal in the sciences.
- Critically evaluate primary literature in the field of health science.
- Describe the importance of health science from a personal, societal, and global perspective.
- Articulate an understanding of the relationship and integration of health science to the Christian faith, particularly pertaining to ethical and moral issues in health care.
Successful graduates of the History major should be able to
- Describe historical Christian perspectives on the human condition as created, fallen, and redeemed.
- Describe the history and culture of at least three regions, referencing social, cultural, religious, economic and/or political developments.
- Prepare for vocational opportunities in a range of venues, such as museums and public history sites, law, education, ministry, government, and non-profit organizations.
- Deliver an effective oral presentation.
- Critically analyze the work of historians as well as primary historical documents.
- Write an analytical paper that examines a research question developed by the student using historical research skills.
International Affairs
Successful graduates of the International Affairs major should be able to
- Analyze the international system, major forms of government, and political and economic issues of nation-states and non-state actors.
- Evaluate major theories of international relations (IR) and comparative politics (CP).
- Develop skills in international affairs (IA) research, writing, and oral presentations.
- Explore a variety of vocations in pursuit of a just and peaceful world.
- Examine one's understanding of world politics and economics from a Christian perspective.
Successful graduates of the Kinesiology major should be able to
- Demonstrate knowledge of the breadth of kinesiology and the relationship to physical activity, health, and disease.
- Select proper laboratory techniques to analyze tissue, organ, and system functioning and measure and evaluate human performance.
- Students should be able to create and execute a quantitative research proposal in the sciences.
- Critically evaluate primary literature in the field of kinesiology.
- Evaluate the relationship of movement to personal and societal health.
- Articulate and apply a Christian worldview to the study of kinesiology.
Successful graduates of the Linguistics major should be able to
- Compare diverse languages in order to understand fundamental similarities and differences.
- Examine the fundamental concepts of morphology, syntax, phonetics, phonology, and semantics through the examination of various languages.
- Analyze and appreciate how language change happens over time.
- Evaluate how differences between languages can impact learning and second-language acquisition.
Successful graduates of the Marketing major should be able to
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills that are foundational for a wide range of business careers.
- Design and deliver professional work products such as analyses, memos, reports and presentations in collaboration with a team.
- Explain the implications of biblical principles and faith for vocational practice in business.
Successful graduates of the Mathematics major should be able to
- Solve mathematical problems appropriate for the undergraduate level by drawing on a breadth of mathematics knowledge.
- Formulate mathematical models and conjectures in a variety of pure and applied situations.
- Construct coherent logical arguments written clearly in good mathematical style.
- Articulate a Christian perspective on what mathematics is, why it is valuable, and how it relates to Christian faith.
- Explain how mathematics can be used in service to people as an expression of Christian calling.
Music (Bachelor of Arts)
Successful graduates of the Music major should be able to
- Apply a contextualized understanding of music history and literature from antiquity to present.
- Identify common elements, patterns, processes and structures of music.
- Perform on major instrument at a level sufficient for skillful and artistic contribution to the medium.
- Collaborate with other musicians.
- Demonstrate proficiency in musicianship competencies.
- Articulate and apply a Christian worldview to the study of music.
Music Education (Bachelor of Music)
Successful graduates of the Music Education major should be able to
- Aurally and visually identify patterns in music at the micro and macro levels.
- Analyze and identify compositional processes and techniques appropriate to varying styles and genres.
- Communicate knowledge of musical and stylistic characteristics appropriate to era, genre and culture.
- Apply self-regulated learning to prepare and perform appropriate solo literature on a major instrument, with technical accuracy and self-expression.
- Make interpretive decisions based on appropriate analysis of context and expressive intent.
- Perform appropriate ensemble literature on a major instrument with technical accuracy and expressiveness.
- Evaluate and assess musical performances and creative works / Judge musical performances and works for expressive and technical quality.
- Perform on a keyboard instrument proficiently.
- Demonstrate a rudimentary capacity to improvise and compose music.
- Perform vocally with proficiency.
Successful graduates of the Music Performance major should be able to
- Perform on major instrument at a level that typifies current professional performance standards.
- Collaborate with other musicians.
- Apply a contextualized understanding of music history and literature from antiquity to present.
- Identify common elements, patterns, processes and structures of music.
- Demonstrate proficiency in musicianship competencies.
- Articulate and apply a Christian worldview to the study of music.
Successful graduates of the Philosophy major should be able to
- Identify the fundamental philosophical questions concerning human nature, creation and God.
- Evaluate diverse perspectives on the fundamental questions.
- Develop coherent positions on fundamentals issues.
- Defend their position with cogent arguments in both written and/or oral form.
- Explain the role that answering fundamental philosophical questions plays in the pursuit of a faithful and just life.
Successful graduates of the Physics major should be able to
- Apply scientific and engineering knowledge to solve diverse problems.
- Utilize appropriate lab techniques, including data analysis, data interpretation, and the correct use of uncertainty in measurements.
- Create and execute a quantitative research proposal in the sciences.
- Demonstrate effective communication in oral and written forms.
- Evaluate Christian aspects and foresee ethical consequences of professional activities in the areas of physics and engineering.
Political Science
Successful graduates of the Political Science major should be able to
- Analyze major structures and processes of government and politics, using common social science methods.
- Evaluate key theories of and approaches to politics.
- Demonstrate skills in political science research, writing, and oral presentations.
- Explore a variety of vocations in pursuit of a just political order.
- Examine one's understanding of politics from a Christian perspective.
Successful graduates of the Psychology major should be able to
- Conduct an empirical research study following APA guidelines.
- Articulate how a sub-area within psychology can be integrated with Christian faith.
- Evaluate important scientific perspectives and theories shaping psychology.
- Create a vision for change in their lives and communities based on psychological principles.
Social Welfare
Successful graduates of the Social Welfare major should be able to
- Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.
- Engage diversity and difference in practice with dignity and worth of every person because they are made in the image of God.
- Evaluate the history of the advancement of human rights in Social Welfare practice.
- Effectively implement the case management model.
Theatre Arts
Successful graduates of the Theatre Arts major should be able to
- Produce theatrical work with creative expression and technical skill. Demonstrate skill in all aspects of theatrical production including acting, design, directing, writing, and technical production.
- Analyze and participate in technical production and performance in multiple areas.
- Analyze and interpret theatrical products in traditional Western, non-Western, and contemporary cultures.
- Explore, discern, and carry out their vocational callings within the discipline of theater - prepared for graduate study and/or beginning professional work in theater.
Core Curriculum
The Core Curriculum explores the liberal arts and sciences from a Christian perspective. In core courses students and faculty seek to understand and wisely engage creation and the social order. We investigate diverse aspects of the complexity, coherence and beauty of creation. We interact with historic and contemporary cultures, accepting the longstanding Christian call to seek after truth and beauty, to think critically and constructively, to exercise moral discernment, and to develop habits of just and compassionate action. The curriculum encourages the development of a Christian character that manifests itself in informed and redemptive responses to the world and the needs of the global community.
Program Learning Goals
Through successful completion of coursework in the Core Curriculum, students should be able to
- Demonstrate knowledge of God's character and purposes as revealed in Scripture and expressed in the life of the Church and will construct theological reflections for lived Christian faith.
- Demonstrate knowledge of God's creation in all its complexity, coherence, and beauty through the natural sciences and pursue an understanding of stewardship of God's creation.
- Gain knowledge of historical perspectives on the human condition and will pursue an understanding of humankind as created, fallen and redeemed.
- Gain the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to engage with local and global cultures to pursue shalom throughout a diverse world.
- Describe philosophical perspectives concerning fundamental questions about reality, human nature, value, and God.
- Demonstrate knowledge of social, political, and/or economic systems and will evaluate them from Christian perspectives, to prepare for civic engagement and human flourishing.
- Be able to evaluate rational arguments (both their own and the argument of others).
- Apply mathematical, logical, or statistical skills to solve problems.
- Demonstrate effective oral and written communication.
- Develop aesthetic sensibilities and practices.
- Develop and practice habits of physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness.