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Tips for Departmental Web Content

Departmental web sites are heavily frequented by prospective students researching Gordon (as well as other contemporaries). Keeping them informative, engaging and up-to-date makes a huge difference. Below are some tips to help you develop and maintain your department's web site in a way that is effective and consistent across all departments.

Why choose this major (at Gordon)?

  • Distinguishing features
  • Your faculty
  • Opportunities (internships, global programs, etc)
  • Anything else your department offers

What do ______ majors study?

  • Course descriptions

What are the requirements?

  • Credit and course requirements from the Academic Catalog

What do graduates go on to accomplish? (the proof)

  • Alumni profiles
  • Graduate statistics if applicable

Outdated information is often worse than less information. The most critical things to keep up to date are:

  • Faculty bios: Correct contact info; include new members and remove faculty who have left. Faculty profiles can be updated by choosing Content > Faculty/Staff in the Web Editor top navigation.
  • Alumni profiles: Make sure you feature recent grads.
  • Course descriptions and requirements: These need to match the current Academic Catalog. We recommend using the "Acalog" content type that syncs information from the online Academic Catalog.

Delegate someone in your department to be the point person for your web site. Check with your department or division's administrative assistant—many are already set up as web editors and can often devote more time than faculty.

Visual formatting and assistance

The web editing tool doesn't give all users complete control over formatting and visuals. We work with you to make sure your site accomplishes what it needs to.

If you have questions, big ideas for your pages or want to meet about reorganizing your site, get in touch!


Creative Director and Web Team Leader

For more information on writing and formatting for the web, see Gordon's Style Guide.

For technical instructions on using Gordon's web editing tool, download the Web Editing Guide (pdf).

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