Courses for Graduate Theology for Community Transformation

You can fit this into your life! Our graduate theology courses utilize a hybrid model. In the fall and summer, courses kick off with a 4-day in-person intensive, while the remainder of the semester takes place asynchronously online. Our spring courses are fully asynchronous online.

What if I can't attend a full-time class schedule? The M.A. can be pursued on a part-time basis following our certificate model. By taking one course at a time, you'll build towards a full degree in just over three years.

Integral Components

During your time in our program, you will learn to thrive as a whole person in relationship with God, yourself, others and creation. Each course includes faith-formation practices and exercises to equip the whole person. You will engage formational experiences in the curriculum that can be adapted for the communities where you serve and lead.

Our program incorporates cultural intelligence (CQ), a globally recognized way of assessing and improving effectiveness in culturally diverse situations. It’s rooted in rigorous, academic research conducted across more than 100 countries. This is part of our commitment to Shalom and “a right ordering of relationships and actions resulting in the affirmation of human dignity and the flourishing of community. We believe that human diversity as attested to in Scripture is one expressive element of shalom and is an essential component of a Christian learning community such as ours.”

Important Dates

Fall 2025: August 25–December 13

Spring 2026: January 5–May 2

Summer 2026: May 14–August 22

Master of Arts in Community Transformation Courses

Visual diagram showing succession of courses in the Graduate Theology for Community Transformation program.

M.A. Course Descriptions

Interpreting the Old Testament for Community Transformation
Negotiating Power and Conflict: Ancient and Medieval Theology

Interpreting the New Testament for Community Transformation
Reforming Across Difference: The Story of Reformation to Renewals

Facilitating Spiritual Experiences: Formation in Time, Space and Cultures

Ministering to People & Communities in Pain: The Bible, Justice and Shalom
Telling the Story: Creative Communication, Pedagogy and Design

Living Our Common Belief: Theology in Practice
Building Effective Organizations for Community Transformation

Capstone: Beauty, Theology, Society: Journeying with the Church Then and Now

Certificate in Scripture, Theology and Transformation Courses

Visual diagram showing succession of courses in the Graduate Theology for Community Transformation program.

Interpreting the Old Testament for Community Transformation or Negotiating Power and Conflict: Ancient and Medieval Theology

Interpreting the New Testament for Community Transformation or Reforming Across Difference: The Story of Reformation to Renewals

Facilitating Spiritual Experiences: Formation in Time, Space and Cultures