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students walking to the graduation ceremony

Participating at Commencement

Students who wish to participate in graduation ceremonies prior to final completion of their degree may petition to do so if they meet certain conditions. Petitions will only be considered which reflect realistic arrangements for fulfilling remaining requirement(s) and which meet the following requirements:

The petition must be received by the registrar no later than March 15.

No more than 8 (eight) credits may remain on commencement day. Unmet requirements may be fulfilled either through Gordon or off-campus courses preapproved by the department and the Registrar's Office.

Advance registration at Gordon or approval of off-campus courses must be completed/obtained before the student's name may go on the commencement program.

Participation in commencement ceremonies prior to completion of academic requirements is a privilege extended to students by Gordon College and assumes a serious commitment to complete outstanding requirements within the stated deadlines.

Remaining requirements must be completed during the summer or fall immediately following commencement

All work must be completed and submitted by August 31 for an August degree or by December 31 for a December degree.

Transcripts of all off-campus work must be received by September 30 for an August degree or by January 31 for a December degree. After those dates, the degree will automatically be awarded as of the next degree date.