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Student Groups for Sustainability

Gordon has a number of student groups that participate in sustainability efforts. 

Advocates for a Sustainable Future (ASF)

ASF strives to involve Gordon students in environmental efforts campus-wide. It is an active student-run sustainability group on campus. They promote awareness around sustainability issues; encourage conscientiousness in lifestyle choices to Gordon's community; they organize outreach events; and get the community involved in various projects. ASF strives to involve itself in a number of sustainability activities, including (but not limited to): weekly meetings to plan events, brainstorm ways to bring more sustainability on campus and discuss current environmental issues.

  • Gina McCarthy, Director of the U.S. EPA, visited Gordon in November 2013 and spoke in a Conversations with the President event.
  • ASF has a community garden on campus. ASF members are responsible for upkeep and harvesting, and some of the produce is donated to Beverly Bootstraps, a local food pantry.
  • In December 2013, ASF showed the documentary Elemental and hosted a faculty panel discussion with Provost Dr. Janel Curry, Dr. Irv Levy (chemistry and computer science), Dr. Dan Johnson (sociology), and Dr. Kristen Cooper (economics & business). Dr. Dorothy Boorse (biology) served as moderator.
  • Dr. Matthew Sleeth, sustainability expert, spoke at several events in September 2013 on the Sabbath and creation care.
  • ASF has gathered students to volunteer at local organic farms, attend a beach cleanup at Crane Beach in Ipswich, MA, and make recycled Christmas cards.
  • ASF is also actively involved with the Sustainability Committee, the Provost, Dining Services, Physical Plant, and other campus organizations to promote more sustainability on and off campus. In April, ASF and Gordon’s Restore Creation efforts will host one of their biggest annual events—Earth Week. 

American Chemical Society (ACS)

This club provides professional training, community service and outreach opportunities to students interested in the chemical sciences. They also actively participate in about ten green chemistry events annually—both on and off campus—and have received the Green Chapter Award for the last three years. They have also received the “Outstanding Chapter” award two years in a row—the highest honor a student chapter can be given. They hold on-campus green chemistry outreach events, including “Chemistry on the Quad,” a Science Carnival, and they host a variety of speakers, including Dr. John Warner, co-father of green chemistry. They also regularly host off-campus outreach, which includes chemical demonstrations in schools, and volunteer work at the Boston Children’s Museum and the Boston Museum of Science during Mol Week and Earth Week.

ACS also participates in the design and implementation of Gordon’s green chemistry curriculum. Members participate in research that advances green chemistry at both an academic and pedagogical level. Members also do their best to raise awareness of sustainable chemistry practices, which is different than the way the rest of the world does chemistry.

Biology Club

Students involved in the Biology club can engage in extracurricular activities in the biology-related field. They are invited to partner with the community as they seek to be good stewards and good scientists of the world around them. 

Green Organic Literacy Forum (GOLUM)

GOLUM is a service-learning project that allows students to create material that act as educational tools about green chemistry in the local community and beyond. Gordon has been involved for over 10 years and in 2013, almost 40 students are engaged in the following projects:

  • Outreach to Lynn Classical High School
  • Outreach to Gloucester High School
  • "Greening the Medical Lab" project in conjunction with Beyond Benign, Beth Israel Deaconess and Healthcare Without Harm
  • "Greener AP Chemistry Labs" project in conjunction with Beyond Benign
  • Beyond Benign Fellows program

The Common Exchange

This student-run club creates a place for members of the Gordon community to give and take used clothing. 

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