Gordon’s Total Campus Area
1,800,000 square meters
19,600,000 square feet
Total ground floor area of buildings
49,971 square meters
537,882 square feet
Area on Campus covered in vegetation in the form of forest
Area on Campus covered in vegetation in the form of planted vegetation (includes lawns, gardens, green roofs, internal planting)
Percentage of non-retentive surfaces on campus for water absorption
Energy Metering
Gordon meters all energy consumption, including electricity, natural gas, and purchased steam. All campus buildings have natural gas meters, and the majority have electric meters. Gordon uses energy tracking software to track the energy use of 100% of its buildings.
Electricity usage per year (for lighting, heating, cooling, etc.)
8,500,940 KWH
Piped water (water consumed from utility or piped system as a percentage of all sources of water including, e.g., ground or well water)