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Pike Honors

Uniquely crafted cross-disciplinary scholarship, research, and application in a recognized area of study

The Kenneth L. Pike Honors Program invites exceptional students with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher to design a unique academic program that creatively complements or extends Gordon College majors or minors in pursuit of their learning goal.

Pike Scholars can take advantage of diverse opportunities at Gordon, internationally or at other institutions in this country to enrich existing majors in unique ways. Scholars design a creative, rigorous program with a depth and breadth that would not ordinarily be available to them at Gordon.

Student Spotlight

Aaron Wright

Coming to Gordon, I knew I had a variety of interests and decided that I would be a psychology and English double major. Learning about the Pike program and talking with many people involved in it was when I realized that was the best fit for me. The Pike program is designed to give you the specializations you had hoped for and if it ends up being, as in my case, a couple of different specializations, I now can say after college I can pursue multiple different things that I love.
Aaron Wright ‘24
Cognitive Science of Language Pike, BS

Examples of past programs

  • African, Middle East, Contemporary Europe or other regional studies 
  • Classical Studies; Ancient History and Languages
  • Community Development (Urban or International)  
  • English with concentrations in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Photojournalism 
  • Environmental Studies; Sustainable Development  
  • Fine Arts Management or Art History with Museum Studies Concentration 
  • History with an Archeology concentration 
  • Psychology or Biology with a Medical Ethics, Neuropsychology or Genetic Counseling concentration 
  • Public Health and Nutrition 
  • Theology


  • Personal "ideas coach" to help organize your imagination and planning
  • Delve deeper into your own areas of studies
  • Craft a major or minor in a field that is not offered at Gordon
  • Add to a traditional major or minor offered at Gordon by utilizing alternating courses both at Gordon and other institutions as well as study abroad opportunities


Interested in learning more? Make sure you explore the full Program Details page and don’t hesitate to to the Interim Pike Program Director, Dr. Luke Redington with questions!

E: [email protected]