Recent Posters Presented
Towards a Green Catalyst for the Production of Biodiesel
Bonnie Hunt and Ian Penn (presenting authors); co-authors: Rebekah Hendrie, and Dwight Tshudy
Comparative Ecotoxicity of Biodiesel Prepared from Neat versus Waste Cooking Oil
Erica Wetter, Sarah Massanari, Laura Hasiuk (presenting authors); co-authors: Marissa Weaver, and Irv Levy
Biodiesel Ecotoxicity Determination Using the Bioluminescence of Vibrio fisheri Bacteria
Andrew Luhrs (presenting author); co-author: Dwight Tshudy
Greener Method of Oxidation for the Undergraduate Organic Lab: Benzil from Benzoin Using Hydrogen Peroxide and Catalytic Hydrobromic Acid
Brendan McGee (presenting author); co-author: Irv Levy
Ecological Analysis of Hull Street Pond
Tim Berry (presenting author); co-authors: Jenny Dyess, Lucy Pleticha, and Dorothy Boorse