Podcast Guest Preparation Guide

We’re excited you’ll be sharing your story on the Boardroom Bound podcast! 

The podcast exists to find out what makes Board members great and how to apply those lessons to your career. We share inspiring stories from the most brilliant business minds. Whether you’re an aspiring board member or already a director wanting to learn how to bring your best self into the boardroom, this podcast will help you think about who you are and the way you operate, so that you can build a successful career as a director.

We're regularly asked, “What should I expect?” So to ensure you’re comfortable and prepared, below is an explanation of the process from start to finish.

  • Email a high-resolution headshot to [email protected] for episode promotion.
  • Connect with the show host, Alexander Lowry, on social media if you aren’t already part of each other’s community! (Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter) We can then tag and include you in the posts. You can then re-post, retweet and share the messages about your episode.
  • Listen to at least one of our recent episodes so you get a feel for the tone and flow of our conversation. The latest episodes are available here or through your favorite podcast app.
  • Review the list of sample questions, though our conversation will not be limited to these. If there are topics you would prefer to focus on or avoid altogether, please  prior to the interview. 

If you need to re-schedule your episode, please do so via the Calendly link in your email.

You will spend time with the host, Alexander Lowry, before you go live to make you feel comfortable. The intro and outro to the episode will be recorded after our conversation, once we have heard your full story. 

The format is conversational and we will skip questions if more interesting topics come up—as they often do! When telling stories, remember to be as specific as possible and avoid generalities and cliches. Our audience appreciates practical examples they can take action on. Avoid saying things such as "next week" or "last month" as there will be a delay from recording to release. When referring to dates, please say the month and year. 

This is a clean podcast. Levity is encouraged and welcomed! But avoid profanity, sexually explicit material, etc.

Hydrate two hours before show time. A dry mouth will affect the quality of your voice. Keep water on hand during the show.


Think of our interview as a conversation you're having with a colleague or friend. We may or may not get to all of the questions below. They are a framework for the episode, but we are more interested in having a great conversation and asking follow-up questions based on our discussion. We enjoy going "off-script" and seeing how the conversation evolves. That way the show is produced organically and the listeners experience a more valuable show.

  • Introductory questions about your background, business, etc.
  • How you began your board career?
  • What, in your opinion, are essential board member skills?
  • The future of the boardroom?
  • Your biggest boardroom challenge?
  • What's your top tip for someone seeking their first paid board seat?
  • Since leaders and readers, what is your favorite book related to the boardroom? And why?
  • What advice you have for new and aspiring board members?
  • How people can find out more about you?

It's essential to us that you walk away from our session with a smile on your face, knowing you had a great time. We'll stay on the line for a few minutes after we conclude the recording to wrap up.

For phone interviews

Call 978-867-3700 using a landline phone. Unfortunately, we cannot use cell phones for the podcast -- they tend to add static to the recording and that detracts from our goal of high-quality sound.

Be in a quiet location during the recording. Close and move away from windows. Turn off fans, phones, air conditioners, or other machines. Avoid making unnecessary noise when recording, e.g. tapping a pen, eating, rustling clothes, etc. We don't want anything to distract from what you'll be sharing. Remember, with podcasts, audio is all the listener has so quality audio is critical! Hardwood floors and bare walls are not podcast-friendly environments, so consider an area where ambient noises can be absorbed more easily.

Close and put away all computers, cell phones, iPads, and other devices that you won't be needing during the interview.

For in-studio / on-campus interviews

This interview will be recorded in Gordon College's "Scot Radio" studio on the 2nd Floor of Jenks Library (room 231). Please arrive 15 minutes prior to our scheduled start time.

We're located at 255 Grapevine Rd, Wenham, MA 01984. To find parking, use this map. Proceed to Jenks Library (building "I"). Park in any spot. If the lot is full, park near buildings "M", "H", "G" or "K".

Once parked, locate the studio by using the external stairs on the backside of the library, to the left of the ground-floor entrance at the center of the building. This one-story set of stairs leads up to a blue awning. The Scot Radio studio is directly behind this door.

We'll be promoting the episode on our social media (Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter). We'll need you to comment on these posts as well as share the show through your network and social media channels!

Additional ways to promote your episode include:

  • Link to the recording in your email signature
  • Add the episode to your website, promotional materials, and email updates to your contacts
  • Leave an honest rating and review in iTunes. This helps us raise awareness of your episode. Here are instructions for how to submit a review in under 30 seconds

Do you know of any other accomplished Board Directors, especially of large public companies, who you believe we should interview on the show? Let us know! We’d love your referral.

Connect with us!

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Note: by appearing on the podcast, you understand that the recorded contents of our conversation will be distributed on the internet and may be repurposed into other formats. You understand that the podcast has the right to reproduce and distribute this interview (in whole or in part) to the public using any current or future technology, including using it for promotional purposes and/or information products. You give your permission for all this.