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Public Health
Online Certificates



Specific Skill Sets to Advance your Career and Elevate your Impact

Want public health training but don’t have the time or financial resources for a full degree program? Certificates can equip you with the skills necessary to enhance your contributions to the field of public health for a fraction of the time and cost. These series of 3 courses taken over a 6-month period can set you apart from others in your field.

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Choose your certificate:

Leadership & Health Management

Develop an informed personal leadership philosophy and apply management and finance principles to your organization.

Community Health

Understand the roots of health disparities and engage with examples of effectively mobilizing communities to promote health equity.


Learn how to understand, interpret, and design studies to quantify the distribution and determinants of disease.

Courses that fit into your life!

  • Asynchronous online courses completed in your own time
  • Series of three 3-credit courses for a total of 9 credits
  • Courses taken one at a time over 6 months
  • Series includes an introductory course followed by two more advanced courses
  • Certificate awarded at the completion of the program
  • Credits transferrable to the MPH program if you choose to enroll later

Practical coursework

Leadership & Health Management Certificate

MPH 506 Leadership & Management
MPH 625 Organizational Management
MPH 635 Healthcare Finance

Community Health Certificate

MPH 503 Social & Behavioral Determinants of Health
MPH 605 Community Health Theory & Methods
MPH 655 Organizing & Transforming Communities

Epidemiology Certificate

MPH 502 Principles of Epidemiology
MPH 615 Measurement in Public Health
MPH 660 Advanced Epidemiology

Learn from experts

Your instructors are expert practitioners in their field, committed to educating you with the skills you need to serve your community well.

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Increase your skills

  • Explore public health as you consider God’s calling for your life
  • Develop tools to improve health in your community
  • Apply fresh Christian perspectives to your work in public health
  • Gain targeted skills for professional development to more effectively serve communities in need

Have questions? We're here to help!

Q: Do certificate credits transfer to the MPH?

A: Yes! If you decide to enroll in the MPH program at Gordon, you will receive credit for all certificate coursework.

Q: How much does the certificate program cost?

A: Courses are $625 per credit hour, so the full 9-credit curriculum is $5,625.

Q: Are scholarships or financial aid available for the certificate program?

A: No, there are no scholarships or financial aid available for the certificate program at this time.

Q: How can I find out more?

A: Request more information to learn more about the MPH or certificate programs or sign into your application portal to connect directly with the program director.

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