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More Benefits & Services

Many other benefits and discounts are available to Gordon employees, such as:

Bennett Athletic Center membership is free for all part-time and full-time employees. Family members who are eligible for membership pay a yearly membership renewal fee at a discount.

Bookstore discounts of 10% are available on most merchandise with employee ID.

Campus Events such as concerts, theater productions, gallery exhibits, and athletic events occur frequently. Discounted tickets are usually available for faculty and staff.

Jenks Library encourages employees to explore their many print and non-print resources.

Meals at all campus eateries are discounted 50% for employees. Meal credit can be purchased at any cash register with cash, credit or debit card. Employee Meal Plan.

Metro Credit Union provides banking and loan services through a payroll deduction plan.

Payroll Deduction Form
Enrollment Form


Apple is offering all Faculty/Staff and Students Educational Pricing. Visit the Apple Store for details.