Gordon College is in many ways at the leading edge of environmental leadership in the way it uses energy and natural resources. We at Physical Plant take very seriously our role in overseeing how Gordon College impacts our local and global environment. We strive to make decisions every day to limit our use of fossil fuels, water and sewage. With a daytime population of approximately 1900 people, we have the impact of a small town, so we must be careful to manage our resources in a manner which would be pleasing to our Creator.
-Paul A. Helgesen, director of Physical Plant
Gordon College has converted 95% of its buildings from oil and electricity to natural gas heating. As a result, this has greatly reduced our emission of greenhouse gases and keeps the groundwater safe from heating oil tank leaks.
Current installations of new energy management systems will bring increased comfort, reduce greenhouse gases, and save funds in our energy budgets.
Buildings installed with new energy management systems:
Buildings currently being retrofitted with new systems:
Participation with MA Electric and Keyspan have assisted us in the installation of:
Recently completed lighting projects and yearly savings:
*This is not a complete listing of all the lighting projects completed, but gives a general idea of current savings. For a ten year period these projects alone, would generate a $277,230 savings for Gordon College. This estimate would go up as energy prices increase, but we save money through less lamp changes. The cost of the new light fixtures are offset through our electric company's rebates and energy savings generated. The lights usually pay for themselves in approximately one year.
Chemistry department teaches and uses "Green Chemistry" procedures in the classroom, reducing the amount of hazardous wastes produced.
EPA self audit and disclosure was done in 2002 by URS Corporation to look at all of our potentially hazardous activities on campus. This gave us the opportunity to look at our strengths and put in places measures to correct our weaknesses.
In conjunction with the Wenham Conservation Commission and input from State Agencies, $250,000 was invested in a wetland restoration project in 2003. This project reclaimed a wetland that had been paved over behind Frost Hall, 25 much needed parking spaces were given up, a drainage system was installed to improve water quality and the wetlands were planted with different wetland species.
Gordon College also: