Values, Language, and Social Perception-Action

Introduction to the Research Cluster

Values, Language, & Social Perception-Action is a research cluster of the Distributed Language Group. It is for social psychologists, perception-action researchers, and other psychologists, as well as related disciplines with interests in these topics, as they relate to language (e.g., philosophy, communication, biosemiotics, linguistics, anthropology, computer science). Varying theoretical perspectives are welcome, although the coordinator of the group is committed to working out an ecological approach to values, and to perception and action, and to exploring moral-social-physical dimensions of social psychology that are often overlooked by cognitive approaches.

The primary focus of the research cluster will be to work out the implications of these approaches for how the activity of conversing, and of language more generally, can be understood in new ways that address issues that are largely ignored by scientific approaches to language study. To learn more about this ecological, values-realizing approach to language and social action & perception, there are brief “clips” of various articles available below. Please note that the material included in these clips is copyrighted (thus, please do not quote from this site without permission—you may, of course, cite published articles as you wish).

Coordinator: Bert H. Hodges, Gordon College and University of Connecticut

Conversing as values-realizing action and perception

Interested in learning more or being involved?
