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Special Accommodations

Handicap Accessible Parking
Parking spaces for vehicles with state-issued handicap plates or placards will be reserved in the Ken Olsen Science Center parking lot for outdoor Commencement. Space in these lots is limited, so we recommend you arrive at least 45 minutes early.

The commencement location is handicap accessible. Extra wheelchairs will be available at each event to help transport guests between their vehicles and the event seating. Ushers will be lined up with wheelchairs on the edge of the abovementioned parking lots to assist guests to their seats. Guests are not able to keep the wheelchairs for the entirety of the event. After the events, wheelchairs will also be available to assist guests in returning to their vehicles. 

Hearing Assistance
We will have headsets available at each event for guests who need hearing assistance. Please fill out the below form to request this service.  

ASL Interpretation
American Sign Language interpretation will be available at Commencement. Please ask an usher for assistance in locating the special seating area for ASL interpretation. Seating is limited so we recommend you arrive at least 45 minutes early.  

Foreign Language Translation

안내 - Instructions in Korean →
外语翻译指南 - Instructions in Mandarin Chinese →
Instruções - Instructions in Portuguese  →

We will have audio translation available at Commencement for live listening of Korean, Mandarin Chinese and Portuguese.  Please fill out the below form to request translation. 

Please use your personal mobile device to hear a Live Translation of the Commencement; we are not passing out listening devices.  

Do you have the free ZOOM app on your mobile device?  

If yes, that's great.  If no, then please download it, now.  Specifically, please find the app store on your mobile device (Apple App Store for iPhone or Google Play App Store for Android).  Search "ZOOM" and find "Zoom - One Platform to Connect."  Click "GET," "Download," or the Cloud-and-Arrow Icon.  Then, click "OPEN" to launch ZOOM on your mobile device. 

Open ZOOM on your mobile device. 

Tap "Join Meeting."  

On the next screen, type the Meeting ID: 
Meeting ID for Korean: 968 5866 1525
Meeting ID for Mandarin Chinese: 937 0258 6041
Meeting ID for Portuguese: 910 4435 1399

and, Click "Join Meeting." 

You will be allowed into the ZOOM meeting by the Host.  You will be joining as a muted, video-off Participant.  You will be able to hear the translated audio here.  If you need to send a message to the Host, please use the CHAT function.  

For the video live stream, please visit www.gordon.edu/commencement and mute the English audio there.    

Visitor Invitation Letters
If family or friends are planning to attend Commencement, the student in the U.S. may request a "visitor invitation letter" from the College. This type of letter is NOT required for entry into the U.S., but it may be considered during the Tourist Visa (B1 Visa) application process for guests. To request a visitor invitation letter, please go to www.gordon.edu/visa and scroll down to "Visitor Invitation Letter" and follow the directions.
The U.S. State Department does not require this document, and regardless of the documents presented, they will always want to hold a 2-5 minute conversation with the individual applying for any U.S. entry visa; the conversation with the U.S. State Department official is the most important part of a visa interview (not the document).

Our ushers will be available during the events to assist your family and guests. Guests with special needs should arrive at least 45 minutes early.

If you have an accommodation request that is NOT met by the above-mentioned services, please let us know by filling out the form below by May 1. 

For additional questions, please email .

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