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Catholic Student Resources

The Gordon College Catholic Student Fellowship is a student ministry group dedicated to ecumenism, continued formation and community. The main goals of this group are to give Catholic students a space to be with one another, to grow in their Catholic faith and to explore the Catholic tradition more deeply alongside one another. This happens through events such as our weekly rosary group, monthly confession times, movie nights and other similar events. Additionally, the Catholic Student Fellowship seeks to engage with Protestant students on campus and provide open dialogue across traditions through ecumenical events that seek to put the Catholic and Protestant traditions in conversation, with fairness and curiosity at their core. Our growing Catholic population on campus enriches the Gordon community, and the Catholic Student Fellowship seeks to help Catholic students flourish on campus.

Gatherings & Events


  • Rosary Group


  • Confessions: 2/28, 3/20, 4/17 all 3-4p in the 3rd floor prayer room in the Chapel


  • Movie nights 
  • Lenten Observances
  • Symposium Day

Hear from our alumni

"I chose to attend Gordon College because I was seeking a school where faith was integral to every aspect of campus life, somewhere where Christian values were both preached and practiced. Shortly after I began my freshman year, God called me to step out in faith and pursue Christian Ministries as my major. This posed ‘challenges’ to my faith, but ones that have shaped me into who I am today. My classmates had questions for me, questions that inspired me to find answers. My studies were focused on theology and with everything I learned, I was challenged to interpret it through my own Catholic lens. I was supported on this journey by amazing professors and with each step, I grew stronger and more passionate about Catholicism. Not only that, but I was amazingly well-prepared for my work in Catholic ministry that continues to this day."

Haley Judd ’17

"Choosing to attend Gordon College as a Catholic was not an easy decision. I had grown up around predominantly Catholic family members and had attended predominantly Catholic schools. However, after touring many schools in the area I felt that even schools that proclaimed to be Catholic had a surprising amount of secular influence and disregard for the faith, this is not something I witnessed at Gordon College. Still, despite this, I did not want to attend Gordon College, and it was one of my last choices. But through prayer, discernment, and changing circumstances, the closer I came to enrolling in a college, Gordon became the obvious choice. It has a remarkable computer science department, outstanding faculty, and most importantly I could see devotion to the Lord, a place where the name of Jesus is spoken with reverence. There were still many challenges, I was the first practicing Catholic some people had ever met! People had many questions, objections, and arguments to share about Catholicism. I did not only find negativity but also found a great sense of welcome and interest among the student body and faculty. Retrospectively, I can see clearly that this is the place where God led me."

Collin Williams  ’26

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