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Working together in the Tupper Writing Center

The Tupper Writing Center

The Tupper Writing Center is open! Make an appointment to come see us in Jenks 422. Or, you can drop in during the hours listed below.


9:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m.


1:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.


1:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.


6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.

Anyone who says writing is easy is selling you a book you don’t want to buy.

The Tupper Writing Center at Gordon College exists because writing—in all its many forms—challenges us every time we endeavor to do it well. The Tupper Writing Center’s peer tutors can help you in all phases of your writing process. Not familiar with your writing process? We can help with that, too.  

Although we don’t do proofreading, we can help with any of the following:

We all experience a moment of pause when we open an assignment on Canvas and see a list of things we need to do. After that moment of pause, we then assess how we can complete each of these things to the best of our ability in order to both finish the assignment on time and ultimately earn a good grade. Because of these things, understanding writing assignment guidelines can sometimes be the hardest part of the entire process. If you read through the guidelines multiple times, speak with your fellow classmates, and still are unsure of what is being asked of you, we want you to come to the Tupper Writing Center. When you schedule an appointment with us, or decide to drop in, one of our tutors will be happy to listen to your questions and help puzzle out a portion or the entirety of the instructions. Having another set of eyes to read through your assignment is extremely helpful, and feeling confident in this first step will set you up for greater success across the other areas of your assignment.

Text by Emilee Claffey

Beginning to brainstorm and decide on the direction and content of your paper can be challenging, but this is nevertheless a vital part of the process that you should take time to think through by yourself and with someone else. What brainstorming looks like specifically can change multiple times as you think about what you want to say, and that is perfectly okay. If you are feeling unsure or completely lost in terms of the direction you want to go, we want you to come to the Tupper Writing Center. Any of our tutors can partner with you to create a solid idea with which you can then launch into the rest of the writing process confidently.

Text by Emilee Claffey

Planning and outlining are the phases when you finalize which sources and materials you will use, gather quotes, and lay out the structure of your paper/project. Outlining can take different forms such as mind maps, freewriting, listing your claims and their support, or formal outlining. It is important to remember that these various styles work better for certain assignments and for certain people. The planning and outlining phase is your time to record your thoughts before the sentence-by-sentence writing begins. If you find yourself struggling to compile your thoughts and materials in a cohesive way, we want you to come to the Tupper Writing Center. Settling on a plan or outline can be hard work, but it will make the remaining tasks easier. We want to be an encouragement to you.

Text by Emilee Claffey

To use sources well, first, make sure to follow the assignment guidelines for the types of sources required. After you know what kind of sources to look for in order to start your research, compile a list of quotes that will strengthen as well as support your claims. Since citations are a necessity while writing, in addition to responsibly finding sources, your task is to responsibly record and implement each source through your in-text citations, endnotes, bibliographies, or works cited. This should be done according to each individual format's rules as well as the professor’s expectations. When implemented effectively, sources can act as a great asset to your writing but we acknowledge that this takes time and practice. Usually, it means starting your research earlier than you expect in order to thoroughly look through the material before sitting down to write. Because this step incorporates a couple of different factors, if you ever have questions or need someone to walk you through the research and citation process, the Tupper Writing Center remains a resource. All our tutors would be happy to help you.

Text by Emilee Claffey

The words refining and revising are related but significantly different. “Refining” refers to improving something over time by making small incremental changes; “revising” means to re-examine or editing in light of comments or suggestions. These are small but hopefully, helpful distinctions when trying to figure out what to do next with your assignments. The Tupper Writing Center can come alongside you in either of these tasks. It is beneficial to think about the refining process as bookends to the revising process. Refining therefore can take place as you write and as you make your final edits before submitting the assignment. Being attuned to the refining process of your own work and being able to take comments and implement them effectively are lifelong skills. Sometimes these two steps are easier on certain assignments and more difficult on others, so if you experience any confusion, please come see one of our tutors.

Text by Emilee Claffey

1. Tutorials take place in person in our new location: Jenks 422.
We have a great space in which you will collaborate with a peer tutor.

2. Tutorials are by appointment or walk-in.
Whether you have made an appointment for your tutorial or are walking in, you will answer a few questions about your assignment and then begin the tutorial.

3. Tutorials are thirty minutes long.
Why? Because a lot will get done in thirty minutes, given the preparation you will do ahead of time.

4. Your tutorial must address an assignment or project that is due more than twenty-four hours after your tutorial.
Why? Because the tutors will be helping you with the big-picture concerns of your writing project, such as brainstorming and pre-writing strategies, feedback on essay drafts, and documentation of sources. When an assignment is due in less than twenty-four hours, the window has already closed for getting someone else’s feedback on these big-picture concerns. Tutors will not proofread your paper. 

5. You may have a maximum of one session per day. 
Why? Because by the end of your session, you and the tutor will have identified fresh perspectives and strategies through which you will make progress on your writing. Your job, after the tutorial, is to employ those fresh perspectives and strategies. 

6. The Writing Center offers help with specific writing projects or assignments.
Bring the most recent version of your paper (in digital or hard copy) and all assignment guidelines the professor has given you for the assignment in question.

We do not tutor students on the content of their classes. If you would like help learning the content of your courses, please contact the Academic Success Center: https://www.gordon.edu/asc

7. For help with résumés, visit the Career Connection Institute.
The Career Connection Institute specializes in helping students prepare their résumés for all types of employers. If you would like help with your résumé, please make an appointment with CCI through Handshake.


Questions about scheduling an appointment?

Luke Redington
Writing Center Director

*Header photo by Kristen Deiley

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