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Illustration of Grace Hall with solar panels

Hello Gordon seniors! Welcome to the senior class gift page. Our class gift is...


Our class clearly cares about social justice and environmental issues, and what better of a way to show it off than solar panels. The unit will be installed on Grace Hall and will demonstrate our love of God’s earth and his people. For every $1 donated, solar panels will save Gordon $2.54 in electricity costs and "solar credits" could provide the school between $5,000-10,000!

How, might you ask, are we possibly able to give such an ambitious gift? The Development Office has generously agreed to partner with us in the task. If we can get 80% of our class to participate (that means $1, $10, $50, whatever you can give!), they will fund the remainder of the project. This is a huge gift, but it only works if YOU give!

Please show your support and give below!


245 seniors have given out of 350 so far! (70%)