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Students participating in peer mentor program

Peer Connect

Peer Connect was established in Fall of 2020 to counteract isolation and lonliness through 1:1 student pairings and small groups. Peers are a critical first step in students seeking support of all kinds. The Peer Connect team values equal access to wellness support and education for all students. They deliever high quality care and education through outreach events, groups, and individual student meetings, focusing on the Eight Dimensions of Wellness. 

Peer Connect team members are trained Peer Wellness Coaches. Peer Wellness Coaching is a free resource for Gordon College undergraduate students and provides peer support, tips, and accountability in identifying and meeting wellness goals. 

Peer Wellness Coaches are upper-classmen students who are supervised by the Peer Connect Coordinator and licensed counselors at the Center for Student Counseling and Wellness (CSCW). All information reviewed in your wellness coaching session is kept private and confidential within the CSCW. Coaches view wellness across eight dimensions that are interconnected and contribute to overall health and wellness. Coaches support you with a variety of skills, knowledge and resources to assist you in improving your life across these eight dimensions. Meetings are 1:1 and last between 45 minutes to one hour. 

If you are a student who is looking to increase your well-being and work toward positive change in your life, then working with a Peer Wellness Coach is a great step for you.  

Wellness Wheel

Benefits of meeting with a Peer Wellness Coach

  • Set goals
  • Get a holistic view of your health and wellness
  • Sharpen problem-solving skills
  • Build systems that support a new way of living
  • Create changes that last
  • Provide a new connection in your life

Reasons to meet with a Peer Wellness Coach:

  • Stress Management
  • Time Management/Motivation
  • Adjusting to College or a new academic year
  • Difficulty in classes
  • Loneliness
  • Sleep Concerns
  • Boundaries/Conflict Resolution/Assertiveness
  • Social Media and media management skills
  • Relationships
  • Learn about and connect with campus resources

Eligibility Requirements: 

  • Agree to a good faith effort to the following:
    • Keep clear channels of communication open with your Peer Wellness Coach
    • Be available for meetings with your Peer Wellness Coach

If you would like to connect with a Peer Wellness Coach, click here to sign-up

Learning outcomes for Peer Wellness Coaches:

  • Increase your wellness knowledge
  • Develop coaching skills
  • Help others to reach their personal wellness goals
  • Gain career and leadership skills
  • Serve the Gordon community
  • Be part of a team

Interested in being a Peer Wellness Coach? 

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a junior or senior
  • Major or minor in Psychology, Social Welfare, Biblical Studies with a Counseling focus, and/or have a strong interest in promoting and educating peers in wellness-related topics
  • No disciplinary issues/probation
  • Possess and demonstrate social-emotional and spiritual maturity
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Be willing to make a commitment for the entire academic year
  • Willingness to collaborate and take initiative
  • Be a team-player

Peer Wellness Coach Candidates will work under the supervision of the Peer Connect Coordinator. Candiates will meet with the Peer Connect Cooridantor for an interview to ensure that qualifications and experience match program objectives. Once selected, Peer Wellness Coaches are required to attend training sessions and/or review pre-recorded training modules prior to being paired with students or hosting any wellness events. Peer Wellness Coaches will also be required to attend regular meetings with other PWCs and the Peer Connect Coordinator for support. Once your application is received, you will be sent an introductory email with more details about the process. Thank you for your interest in being a member of the Peer Connect Team. 

If you would like to be considered for the Peer Wellness Coaching Team, click here to apply


If you have any questions about the Peer Connect Program, please contact:
E  and [email protected]
P 978 867 4301

Want to learn more about the Center for Student Counseling and Wellness? Click here → 

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