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Meal Plan Information

Gordon offers several meal plan options, each having its own combination of meal equivalencies (swipes) and dining points. The meal equivalencies (swipes) are for use throughout the semester in the Lane food court – Lane Cafè – for all-you-care-to-eat meals in Tupper Hall. These meal swipes are also for use at the students' discretion as a meal equivalency as a "Four for Me" during a posted meal service time in Gillies or Bistro 255, giving students control and management of their meals during the semester. A student's meal plan dashboard is available on the home page of their Gordon 360 app.

Dining points can be used for food purchases at Gillies and Bistro 255 on campus. Dining points can also be used to pay the door rate for Lane Cafè or a "Four for Me" if a meal equivalency has already been used during the same meal service time block at a different campus service location.

A meal equivalency is one swipe during a designated meal service block of time for either all-you-care-to-eat in Lane Cafè or a "Four for Me" (one entreè, two sides, one drink) at either Gillies or Bistro 255. There are four meal service time blocks on weekdays (you can use up to four meal equivalencies) and at least three on weekends. After using a meal equivalency during a meal service time block in one location, visiting another meal service location in the same meal service time block  will use dining points – since you've used a meal equivalency (swipe) already in that time block.

Students needing specialized dietary plans will be assisted by the Metz Dining Services Director, and can contact Student Life for advice or support in making that connection.

Please note: meal plans are assigned per semester. Swipes and Dining Points are intended for use within the semester and do not carry over to the next term.

Community Residence Halls

Basic Meal Block Plan
Students residing in our traditional residence halls are required to participate in at least the basic meal equivalency plan, which costs $2,450 per semester. There are two versions with the same cost:

  • 240 meal equivalencies (swipes) plus 8 guest swipes and 100 dining points
  • 190 meal equivalencies (swipes) plus 8 guest swipes and 300 dining points

Plus Meal Block Plan
The plus plan, which costs $2,680 per semester, includes 275 meal equivalencies (swipes) plus 8 guest swipes and 300 dining points.

Premium Meal Block Plan
The premium plan, which costs $2,900 per semester, includes meal equivalencies (swipes) in each posted meal service time on weekdays (4) and weekends (3) plus 8 guest swipes and 300 dining points. (This plan does not offer unlimited meal equivalencies during the same meal service time block; dining points will be used for a second meal equivalency at another campus location in the same meal time block).

Apartment Residents

80 Meal Block Plan / Apartment Dining Points Plan
Residents of Bromley, Tavilla, Conrad, Rider and Grace Halls are automatically enrolled in the 80-meal block plan, which costs $1,270 per semester. This includes 80 meal equivalencies (swipes) plus 4 guest swipes and 250 dining points.

For the same price, residents of those halls can choose 1,270 dining points with no meal equivalencies (swipes).

Residents of Bromley, Tavilla, Conrad, and Rider may waive the meal plan by completing the form below prior to the deadline listed at www.gordon.edu/checklist. Residents of Grace are not permitted to waive the meal plan.

For More Information

For more information, visit our page: www.gordonmetz.com

Changing Your Meal Plan

Meal Plan change requests may be submitted using the form below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Office of Student Life at 978.867.4263.

Unlimited Meal Plan Selection - Spring 2025

This form is for Spring 2024-2025 changes and will be active through May 15, 2025. The following form is available for students to upgrade from any meal plan to the Unlimited Meal Plan at any point throughout the semester. Upgrading to the Unlimited Meal Plan increases the semester meal plan cost to $2,900,

The meal plan change form for Fall 2025-2026 will be live beginning May 16, 2025.

To view your current meal plan selection, navigate to the Gordon 360 website at: 360.gordon.edu. To add additional Dining Dollars to your Meal Plan Account, select “Dining Dollars” under "Quick Links” after logging into: My.Gordon.edu. To learn more about meal plans, navigate to: www.gordonmetz.com.

1. ID Number:

2. First Name:

3. Last Name:

4. Email Address:

5. Residence Hall:

6. I confirm that I would like to upgrade to the Unlimited Meal Plan for the current academic term for a cost of $2,900.


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