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IRB for Gordon Students

Your research project needs to be submitted to the IRB Committee for review. Please meet with your research advisor and together fill out the form below. A template of the form in Word format is provided for your convenience on the IRB Resources page.

Please note that the text pasted directly into the boxes will not be automatically formatted. If your long responses require formatting, please use a HTML converter (such as this one) to format your text before pasting it in the form.

IRB Submission Form 2.2

1. Principal Investigator Name*

2. Principal Investigator Email*

3. Principal Investigator Title & Affiliation*
ex: Student, Gordon College

4. Gordon College Advisor or Sponsor* For students or non-Gordon investigators

5. Advisor or Sponsor Title
ex: Professor of Psychology

6. Advisor or Sponsor Email*

7. Additional Investigators
Please list the name, title, and affiliation of other investigators involved in the project.

8. Project Title*

9. Have you or will you seek outside funding for this research?


10. What is the Nature of this Application?*

New Proposal
Renewal of Previously Approved Research
Addendum to Previously Approved Research

11. Date approval was received for previous research (month/year).
Note: If your proposal is a renewal or an addendum, you only need to fill out the sections that include changes.

12. Anticipated Project Start Date (month/day/year)*
Research must not be initiated until IRB approval has been granted. Allow 2-3 weeks lead time.

13. Anticipated Project End Date (month/day/year)*
The maximum time for IRB approval is 1 year, after which the approval must be renewed.

14. Please describe the nature and purpose of the research project.
For more information on the nature of research, refer to The Belmont Report: Boundaries Between Practice and Research

15. Please describe the anticipated participant population and recruiting methods.
For more information on fair procedures and outcomes in the selection of research subjects, refer to the Belmont Report: Selection of Subjects.
If you are a non-Gordon investigator, include the reasons you would like to include members of the Gordon community.

16. Please describe in detail the methods and procedures of your study, including how you plan to gather and securely store data.

17. Please describe risks, benefits, and/or compensation for the participants.
For more information, refer to The Belmont Report: Assessment of Risks & Benefits

18. Please describe how you intend to protect the participants' anonymity and confidentiality.
Protections should be put in place in all stages of research, including recruiting, data collection, treatment of data, and reporting of results.

19. Please copy and paste links (e.g., google doc links) for all documents, including the following: 1) Informed Consent Document 2) Proof of Human Research Participant Training by the PI 3) recruiting emails and flyers 4) survey or interview questions 5) additional files.
Alternately, you may copy and paste the actual documents into this form. To make your documents more legible, consider using a HTML formatter such as this one.
For more information about the nature of the Informed Consent Document, refer to The Belmont Report: Informed Consent

20. Provide any additional information below.

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