Reading Specialist

Gordon College offers Master of Education (M.Ed.) and Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degrees, as well as Licensure-only. Our dedicated and knowledgeable professors are committed to teaching reading grounded in brain-based scientific research. Programs include Orton-Gillingham training.

Degrees Offered:

Master of Education (M.Ed.), Professional Licensure

Education Specialist (Ed.S.)


Licensed teachers who want to gain a reading license or become reading specialists will fulfill the needed requirements through the reading concentration coursework, which incorporates the latest information and research in assessing, diagnosing and remediating reading difficulties, as well as aids student in becoming certified Orton Gillingham tutors. 

Gordon offers a comprehensive course schedule including human development, literature, multicultural education, special education, technology, and assessment. The professors provide meaningful opportunities in the field for research, reflection, assessment, and instruction while providing the training and the tools for students to provide quality, individualized literacy instruction.


Gordon College is one of two Massachusetts colleges that are accredited through the International Dyslexia Association at the plus level.

Select Courses

EDU 633 Principles of Structured Literacy
EDU 613 Assistive Technology, Augmentative & Alternative Communication
EDU 634 Language Acquisition, Learning Disabilities and ESL
EDU 639 Assessment and Diagnosis of Reading/Language Difficulties
EDU 640 Differentiation and Remediation of Reading/Language Difficulties
EDU 668 Advanced Disciplinary Literacy: Reading, Writing, Oral Communications and Critical Thinking
EDU 683 Advanced Theory and Practice for Reading Specialists
EDU 688 Reading Clinic
EDU 689 In-School Clinical

See the complete list of courses on our course catalog →

Program Outcomes

  • Identify foundational concepts about reading development and reading difficulties that are derived from interdisciplinary research. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of diverse profiles of reading difficulty, including dyslexia, very slow reading, and language comprehension problems.  
  • Demonstrate knowledge of assessment relevant to evidence-based practices with a response-to-intervention (RTI-MTSS) framework. 
  • Identify Structured Literacy teaching, offering detailed guidance with regard to the nature of effective instruction in each major skill domain (phonological sensitivity and phoneme awareness, phonics and word recognition, reading fluency, vocabulary, listening and reading comprehension, and written expression).  
  • Model ethical standards for the profession.