Mathematics Education

Our Mathematics programs equip educators with the advanced knowledge, skills, and pedagogical approaches necessary to excel in teaching mathematics to all students. These programs include a blend of theoretical and practical coursework, focusing on both mathematical content and effective teaching strategies.

Degrees Offered:

Master of Education (M.Ed.), Initial Licensure

Master of Education (M.Ed.), Professional Licensure

Gordon's Master of Education in Mathematics Education includes core courses that provide a strong foundation in mathematics and its applications. Students are offered the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in discrete mathematics, mathematical modeling, mathematical methods and pedagogy, as well as technological integration.

By completing an M.Ed. in Mathematics, educators can enhance their ability to inspire students, foster a love of learning, and empower them to succeed in the mathematical sciences.

Select Courses

EDU 630 Integrating Math, Writing, and Technology
MAT 601 Mathematics
MAT 605 Quantitative Reasoning: Mathematics and the Greeks
MAT 614/PHY 614 Mathematical Methods I
MAT 620 Discrete Mathematics
MAT 621 Modeling Mathematics
MAT 627 Investigating Mathematical Concepts
MAT 635 Calculus with Pre-Calculus
MAT 636 Mathematical Inquiry
MAT 637 Number Theory
MAT 638 Real Analysis
MAT 673 Selected Topics
EDU 604 Philosophy, Ethics, and Teaching
EDU 649 Assessment and Diagnosis of Math Difficulties
EDU 650 Differentiation and Remediation of Math Difficulties

See the complete list of courses on our course catalog →