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Peter Herschend School of Education

Learn to teach

Today's students are tomorrow's teachers and leaders. Learn how to help students succeed at every age and learning level. Gordon College’s School of Education offers undergraduate and graduate programs that lead to licensure, and we are nationally recognized for preparing teachers in the science of reading instruction. Tap into your abilities as a planner, problem solver, classroom manager and master collaborator through the education programs.

Gordon Announces Naming of Peter Herschend School of Education, Additional Programs to Accelerate Excellence in Teaching Reading →

number one

Massachusetts is #1 in the nation for education


Massachusetts is in the top 10 highest-paying states for teachers


122 combined years of faculty experience in classrooms

A+ for Early Reading Instruction

Gordon College’s undergraduate elementary teacher preparation program is one of only 15 in the U.S. to earn an A+ by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) for its strong commitment to evidence-based reading instruction—an approach used in all of Gordon’s undergraduate and graduate education programs. Read more ➔



Additional Education Programs

Start and end in the classroom
Undergraduate education majors are in local classrooms all four years, earning more than 120 hours of experience even before beginning full-time student-teaching. By graduation, our newly licensed teachers have taught 530 hours if earning one license and 660 hours if earning dual licensure. 

We call this the Gordon Education Advantage:

Year one: Focused observation and assisting
Year two: Planning and practicing instruction
Year three: Helping struggling learners 
Year four: Pulling it all together in the role of teacher

On the side, you’ll enjoy extensive publishable research opportunities with faculty, opportunities to attend education conferences, and short international teaching experiences. 

You’re already in high demand
At Gordon we can’t produce teaching graduates fast enough. Education faculty routinely receive calls from principals and superintendents asking if there are more Gordon education alumni we can send their way. And Gordon grads graduates earn “exemplary” job performance ratings at over twice the state average.

microscope and brain

of grads would recommend Gordon’s education program to others.


of 2018 graduates strongly agree that their experience in this program prepared them to be effective educators.

education awards

Learn more about national honors for Gordon's undergraduate education program ➔


Affordable, flexible preparation for MA educator licensure
With 36 concentrations, Gordon’s graduate education programs help students earn initial and professional licenses for teaching and administration as well as deepen their practice through targeted training programs and personalized advising.

Alumni Stories

Ollie White

Ollie White ’18​

Revolutionizing Reading in Liberia

Karl Simon

Karl Simon ’01 

Messiness and Moxie

An Affordable Investment

graduation cap

You don't need to pay top-dollar for a top-flight education.
We're committed to making our first-rate Christian liberal arts education an affordable investment for your family.
Learn more ➔


For more information, contact:

Undergraduate Education
E   |  P 978 867 4315

Graduate Education
E   |  P 978 867 4322

Request info about Gordon

Gordon’s teacher education programs are approved by the Massachusetts Department of Education and the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC). Graduates of our programs are eligible to obtain an initial teaching license in the 50 member states on the basis the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. The candidate may have to complete additional requirements, such as coursework, teacher tests, or classroom experience, before receiving a full professional certificate in the new state. After seeking the MA license, the Teacher Candidate should be familiar with the licensure requirements and procedures of the new state from which licensure is desired. Teacher candidates should check with the Department of Education in the states in which a license is desired to ascertain information concerning additional requirements that may be required.