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Center for Faith and Inquiry

The Center for Faith and Inquiry is dedicated to forming the thoughtful Christian for global engagement.

The Center for Faith and Inquiry is dedicated to the development and the promotion of intentional Christian scholarship that addresses matters of vital concern in the church, academy and contemporary society. We seek to foster accessible and stimulating scholarly conversations across disciplines, across disagreements, and across faiths by welcoming speakers to campus, hosting academic events, and by supporting faculty and student research. Through this work, we bring the rich resources of the Christian faith to bear on key academic questions and debates in contemporary culture.

Ready to Listen, Learning to Talk

“Speaking the truth, in love”

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Derek Shuurman
Dealing with Diversity Differently: A Case for Covenantal Pluralism

Dennis Hoover | March 4

Societies around the world, including our own, are having challenges with deep religious diversity. Given the alarming rise in religious conflicts, polarization, and demonization of the religious "other," there is an urgent need for new appraoches to go beyond indifferent "tolerance" or segregated co-existence.

Dennis Hoover will introduce one such approach called "covenantal pluralism," which steers a middle path between fundamentalism and relativism. The philosophy of covenantal pluralism calls for freedom for religious communities, accompanied by a relational engagement that yields fairness and flourishing for all, even admist stark differences in theologies, values, and lifestyles.


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