Physics News: last updated 04/16/2012

Physics & Engineering Student Summer Plans

Our students are working hard to finish up the year right now. But come summer, many of them will be diving deeply into exciting research or work in physics or related engineering disciplines. Here are some examples of the opportunities our students have found for this summer:

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU program sponsored by NSF):
Junior Stephen Collins: REU in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Michigan to study “Phonon Enhancement of Electronic Device Performance”

Junior Melissa Haire: REU in Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin—Stout in “Algebraic Structures”

Senior Danielle Duggins: REU in Particle Physics at the Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics (LEPP) at Cornell University to study “Resonant TE Wave Measurement of Electron Cloud Density at CesrTA”

Industry Internships:
Junior Morgan Shook: internship in Systems Engineering working on a forward-looking radar at Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems in Massachusetts.

Junior Jeff Ratzloff: engineering internship analyzing data on test containment solutions for alternative energy waste products at a sub-contractor to Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.

Sophomore Nathan Calandra: internship at the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility in Savannah River, South Carolina to work on the conversion of weapons-grade plutonium into mixed oxide (MOX) fuel for use in nuclear reactors across the country.

Sophomore Patrick Harrington: engineering internship in mechanical engineering to improve the mixer performance at a resin and polymer manufacturing facility in Lawrence, Massachusetts.