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Center for Faith and Inquiry

The Center for Faith and Inquiry is dedicated to forming the thoughtful Christian for global engagement.

The Center for Faith and Inquiry is dedicated to the development and the promotion of intentional Christian scholarship that addresses matters of vital concern in the church, academy and contemporary society. We seek to foster accessible and stimulating scholarly conversations across disciplines, across disagreements, and across faiths by welcoming speakers to campus, hosting academic events, and by supporting faculty and student research. Through this work, we bring the rich resources of the Christian faith to bear on key academic questions and debates in contemporary culture.

Ready to Listen, Learning to Talk

“Speaking the truth, in love”

Learn more

Dr. Tal Howard

Ready to Listen, Learning to Talk: A Faculty Conversation

CFI Faculty Fellows
September 19

How do we speak truth, in love? The search for truth is important to students and to faculty alike, and as a community of faith, Gordon is committed to pursue truth as revealed by God in Christ, Scripture and creation. But talking about the truths we believe is also challenging - not only at Gordon, but also in our families, in our churches, and in our nation. Join faculty and staff from departments across campus as they engage together on these vital questions.


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